2021 New Year Resolutions for Happy Life
2021 New Year wishes. Every passing year is a ray of hope for the betterment of an individual. Here is the list of the 100 best resolutions for this new year that are easy and achievable for everyday life.
Reading this list once a day will train your mind and help you to achieve your target.
Feel free to print and paste on your clipboard or even your fridge door for regular memorizing.
2. Stop judging yourself
3. Let love guide you, not FEAR
4. Listen to yourself
5. Never allow what happened to you before affect how you feel now
6. You have the power to choose the emotions you want to experience
7. There is no conspiracy against you, except for the one created in your mind
8. Meditation
9. Sungazing
10. Stop idolizing celebrities
11. Honor nature
12. Introduce more harmonious tones into your frequency
13. Learn to speak to yourself with love, not hate
14. First thing to do in the morning is to say, Thank you nature
15. Go for a walk every day
16. Start your day with peace, not war
17. There is a message the sun has for you every single day, go and get it
18. Get out of your room, away from artificial lights
19. If you use your phone a lot, put a quartz crystal at the back of your phone
20. Limit how much time you’re on the phone
21. Listen to the sounds of nature
22. Intermediate fasting (autophagy)
23. Have a gratitude journal
24. Hug someone today
25. Surround yourselves in environments that are good for your mind
26. Remember that you are the power and you always will be
27. Eat to live
28. Stop counting yourself out, start counting yourself in
29. Surround yourself with people who make you feel like sunlight
30. Spread other people love
31. Always have unconditional love for yourself
32. Stop quitting
33. Learn a new word every day
34. Read a page of an inspirational book
35. Spend time with friends
36. Learn to say NO
37. Be specific in words
38. Move out of your comfort zone
39. Have 8 glasses of water per day
40. Walk every 45 minutes
41. Use less horn
42. Use vehicle sparingly
43. Eat sprouts every day
44. Prefer organic products
45. Say no to sulfates in products
46. Use recycled products
47. Take a cloth bag for shopping
48. Keep track of all your expenditure daily
49. Plant a tree on birthday
50. No bad words usage
Also, read What the zodiac sign says about your intelligence!
51. Make use of time wisely
52. Breath deep in
53. Remove shoes while eating
54. Use cotton dress at night
55. Walk barefoot on grass
56. Chant OM
57. Close your eyes every 45 minutes while working on the screen
58. Blink more
59. Oil your hair thrice a week
60. Watch your thoughts
61. Keep your hands and feet clean before sleeping
62. Don't avoid 15 min siesta
63. Charge your phone when your battery completely low
64. Follow earth hour
65. Giveaway your old clothes
66. Gift a plant on occasions
67. Prefer cruelty free vegan brands
68. Eat whole grains
69. Minimize water waste
70. Dusting and organize your room daily
71. Organize your wardrobe
72. Plan to visit orphanage regularly
73. Be kind to servers
74. Practise humor in conversations
75. Don't use hot water for hair wash
76. Try to volunteer for NGO
77. Respect mentally challenged people
78. Respect transgenders
79. Don't buy a product because it is tagged cheap
80. Text a friend instead of calling
81. Clean your vehicle for yourself
82. Visit your doctor when needed, no postponing
83. Be normal for hatred comments
84. Buy less plastic
85. Send handwritten letters
86. Avoid negativity
87. Play with a pet
88. Cook for yourself
89. Make your bed every morning
90. Stretch your body
91. Write your thoughts every night
92. Try do-it-yourself methods
93. Try to make natural compost out of the kitchen waste
94. Try herbal alternatives for small ailments
95. Massage your body with coconut oil once a week
96. Take the stairs instead of the lift
97. Spend time with nature
98. Create a memory book
99. Think less
100. Be kind to others
I hope you find this 2021 new year resolutions list useful.
If you are curious about what 2021 brings to you read this astrology horoscope 2021 predictions.
If you want to meet the best astrologer in India and want to know about your 2021 life predictions, click the link.
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