Rahu in 1st house horoscope makes a person Egoistic, Self-centric. 1st house of the horoscope defines the self, true nature of the person. 1st house deals with self confidence and self assertiveness to take independent decisions. Rahu’s presence in the 1st house makes a person thrive for success.
Rahu in 1st house can give a rise in life through developing a unique presence in the society.
Rahu in Vedic Astrology
Rahu is a natural malefic planet in astrology. Rahu is termed as “Chaya Grah” which do not have any physical form and do not come under the distinction of planet. Rahu is termed as northern node in astrology. Rahu do not own any sign but is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio. Rahu is the planet related to Materialism and is an illusionary planet.

Rahu in First House Life Predictions
Rahu in first house can make a person strive for one big life changing success. which will be great turn to life. A greater sense of recognition among the public can be noticed in the early stages of life. He will gain success in a very short time and also loses quickly. He may be attracted to bad words, illegal activities and fighting scenes in early life. But later on, he will realize that life and its value. Considering the negatives of those Rahu in first house, being a shadow planet Rahu obstacts to see the real strength thus leading to over expectation.
Rahu in First House Marriage Life
Often, marriages are fruitful for these people. Rahu in 1st house lead to Ketu in 7th house.Since this Rahu in 1st is so obsessed with self identity and taking independent decisions, some times it can create serious troubles in marriage life. The key is to balance the two sides i.e. be diplomatic and ask the other person to meet in between. Being self obsessed can’t run the marriage life long time. Fortunately Rahu in 1st house marriages lead to favourable person whose planetary positions are good for marriage life.
Rahu in First House Career Astrology
While making to run for success in career Rahu also makes the person to explore the world. Often the person settles abroad, good job position, away from native place. Rahu in 1st house have good technical knowledge, latest updates. Suitable fields are software, innovation, Engineering, artificial intelligence, space study and teaching profession. The person will enter into career as early as possible than his equals.
Rahu in First House Effects
Rahu being shadow planet hides the weakness of the person and make him overboast. Biggest achievement in his life will come early but the person have to try hard to maintain. Influenced by others and over dominative mentality can be seen. Capability to learn fast is the major effect of Rahu in 1st house. These people can be well played as good team leader. And also handle crisis management tactfully.
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Rahu Dasha Effects
A benefic Rahu generally gives good results during Rahu dasha and Antardasha.Though with this placement ketu is stationed at 7th house which is not considered good as far as married life goes.
Rahu in 1st house effect can be more observed in Rahu dasha peroid.
Rahu makes relationship with foreign people and gives benefit from them. Rahu gives proficiency in foreign language. Rahu gives sharp and crisp mind.
Rahu in First House Remedies
- Visit Shivalayam on every Monday.
- Chant or listen Hanuman Chalisa daily.
- Chant/ listen Mahishasura Mardhani stotram daily..
- Lit lemon lamps in Rahu kaalam on no moon day.
- Feed cows and birds as often as possible.
- Chant Rahu Mantra given below 108 times.
Rahu Mantra
“Om Sookdantaya Vidmahe,
Ugraroopaya dheemahee,
Tannnoh Rahu Prachodayaat.”
I pray to Rahu, who has a peaceful and ferocious form. Let Rahu enhance my intellect and give me insight.
Rahu Kaal
Rahu kaal is considered as inauspicious time for any new beginnings. It is measured for one and half hour in the day. This good time for prayers especially with Rahu Dosh. Rahu in 1st house horoscope for all signs should chant Rahu mantra for 108 times in Rahu kaal. Rahu kaal timings change day to day and one can know by reading in Panchang.
Rahu Graha Favorable colors
One should avoid being dirty as this increases Rahu dosh. They should also go to bed early as being awake late into the night increases Rahu dosh. Rahu graha friend is Venus. Shukracharya is the Guru of asuras and Rahu is an Asura. They would do well to wear white or silver. This can minimize Rahu’s negativity to a certain extent. Avoid wearing black, dull greys and dull browns. These colors do not have good pranic energy so to say.
Rahu in 1st house Frequently Asked Questions
Is Rahu in First house bad?
No, Not at all. Infact Rahu in 1st house will give good success to the person.
Which house is good for Rahu in Lagna?
Rahu in 10th house considered as good. Rahu is materialistic natured planet and 10 the house represents material lust . So a benefit Rahu placed in 10th house considered as good for all signs.
Rahu in 1st house physical appearance?
Rahu can make the person undergo personality transformations which could be body changes(tattoo, cosmetic surgeries, make overs etc to look unique)
Who are the famous Indian celebrities with Rahu in 1st house?
Deepika Padukone*, Priyanka Vadhra, Hardik Pandya*, Kamal Hasan, Biju Prasad(Dancer)- *citation needed
Rahu in 1st house and Ketu in 7th house?
Usually, Rahu Ketu 1/7 Axis brings unfavourful situations in marriage life. But strong planet combinations can break up this axis and give good life.
For personalized report on Rahu in 1st house horoscope Visit Swamy Ramanand Guruji at +91 9000992685
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